Customers' voice

Major Japanese Securities Company   Officer Ms. Y.N.

We use Seamless for both big conferences and small one on one in-house meetings. They not only always coordinate highly professional interpreters but also support us in determining the best devices for our conferences. We are very happy with their full support services and hope to continue using them on the many occasions to come.

Major Japanese Beer Company   General Manager Mr. N.K.

Our company has been employing Seamless's services for the past 6~7 years since we started rolling out our wines and spirits business full scale on a quasi exclusive basis. We specifically ask for Chida san , the representative, on occasions where special VIPs are involved and have always been satisfied by the spectacular service levels. They have become an essential presence to our business. They are capable of covering any type of work from simultaneous for seminars and conferences to consecutive interpretation when staying side to side with top management during dinner parties.
What is so good about the Seamless staff personnels? They do not stop at simply interpreting verbatim the words spoken but seeks to understand the essence of what the top management of our company and customers' companies are trying to communicate. They act as the lubricant to the dialogue taking place. Specifically, I always feel that they must be fed up with the obscure and ineloquent word delivery of Japanese Oyajis (middle aged men) and struggle when interpreting. Yet they never fail to keep their smiles and interpret our words into what we truly wanted to say. We are always impressed listening to their interpretation and can't help thinking, "Yes! That's exactly what we wanted to say!!".
Further, their knowledge and interest in wine and spirits is no less than a professional's. The main reason is that they are liquor connoseurs and have in-depth knowledge of different dietary cultures. We have asked the interpreters on numerous occasions to travel together with our executives from Japan on business trips and have always been very happy with the results. Seamless's importance has increased even more since we started asking for their contract translation services both into and from English last year.

Major Japanese Asset Management company   CEO Mr. T.M.

The most important thing I can say about Seamless is that they are so consistent in delivering extremely high quality. Over the decades, I have worked with interpretation companies in multiple countries. Although occasionally, one will have a capable interpreter, it is rare to receive good, consistent quality from all the interpreters of a firm.
What amazes me about Seamless is that consistently, over the four years we have used them everyday, all the interpreters they send in are of extremely high quality.
Not once, have any of our team seen anything short of high quality interpretation. And never once, have they disappointed us, or even been late for an assignment. Quite frankly, I don’t know how they do it.
I can tell you that we decided two years ago that it was actually cheaper for us as well as less hassle to simply have them run both our interpretation and translation scheduling and allocation. Indeed, we saved a manager headcount and the annoyance of us having to run the process.
In sum, Seamless Interpretation Services is one of the best vendor relations that we have ever had.
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